Let’s remember some remarkable things that have happened during 2016. To make things a bit more colorful, we’ve wrapped the information up in infographics.
So, bye, 2016, and thanks for the following:
We have introduced .NET development services
You used to know us as a Drupal development company. We do remain true and devoted drupalers, but we have also expanded our expertise with .NET framework for building cool apps and services.
Drupal 8
We have become experts in Drupal 8
The latest framework’s release remains a tough egg to crack for many development teams, because there are many new things in it. We, on the contrary, have cool Drupal 8 developers on our team who gladly build websites, make commits, and share their ideas in blog posts.
We have made over 130 commits to drupal.org
As really active members of the Drupal community, our developers have made over 130 commits to drupal.org in 2016. The modules that received the most of their attention are Gridstack field, Field image tooltips, Postal Code, Search API Autocomplete, Search API, Shield Pages, Business, Hide Field Label, Tooltips for image, LoginToboggan, Views Dynamic Entity Row, Facebook Connect, Exclude Node Title, Term Reference autocomplete autocreate, Facet API Dynamic Ranges, and there are many more.
We have established Drupal 8, project management and QA classes
There are already two groups of happy graduates who know the secrets of Drupal 8 website building, thanks to the classes by our Drupal developers. This will continue! In addition, we are now starting similar classes on project management and quality assurance.
Cost plus
We have added a cost plus system to our cooperation options
Many customers appreciate the cost plus system, which involves working directly with web developers while we take care of organization issues. Ask more about this or other options.
Big events
We have held incredible IT events
Our attendees will never forget the magnificent IT events we held, such as ConversionCon UA, Bid&Tender Winner Conference, IT Sales & Marketing Summit, Lviv Euro DrupalCamp 2016, and Team-building and Career Forum. There have also been other, smaller, one's like Drupal Global Training Days, Your future in the ІТ and many more.
Thanks for staying with us. And, as you know, the best things are yet to come!