

Why choose Drupal for Nonprofits & NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization)?

Why choose Drupal for Nonprofits & NGOs

Overview: Today we are examining the question — is Drupal the right CMS for nonprofits and non-governmental organizations?

The world has changed. Glaciers are melting, unique species of animals and plants are disappearing, new cyclones and volcanic eruptions are approaching ... But people have also changed. Now we realize that the future of the Earth depends on us, and the strength and influence of non-profit organizations has increased.

If you work for a nonprofit organization, or you have an idea to create a new organization, then you probably already realized that without a website, you won't get far.

Our Drupal web development company believes that Drupal for nonprofits is the best choice for your website in today's blog post. We have selected the most compelling and uncommon benefits of Drupal for nonprofit and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which will confirm both its strength and convenience.

We hope that this information will be handy for you and will influence your choice of the content management system (CMS) for your nonprofits.

What makes Drupal a great platform for Nonprofits?

Nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) require a platform that will simplify the donation process, create a secure site, share the mission through blogs, and establish online communication between site visitors and organizers.

Drupal is the best CMS for a Nonprofit Website because it allows you to implement any functionality. Today, Drupal CMS is used to create a wide variety of types of sites. There are no restrictions.

For example, Drupal CMS is used for:

The Benefits of Drupal for NGOs and nonprofits

Benefit #1 - Use Drupal for nonprofits because it is scalable

You should understand that at first, your nonprofits or NGOs organization site will connect a few people and contain little content and minimal functionality. However, we believe you will be able to grow it into a powerful site with a few thousand donors and unlimited possibilities over time.

Drupal is great for absolutely any type of organization, including nonprofit websites. Drupal is well suited for complex and content-heavy websites. It also works well for high-traffic sites and websites with traffic spikes.

Drupal will be a great addition to your organization. Its power and scalability will be enough for both a small and the most powerful site with rich functionality, thousands of content, and many visitors. As your nonprofit organization grows, you won’t need to change the CMS and migrate content to a more powerful one. Drupal is the best CMS for a nonprofit website as it grows with your needs. If you use other CMS and want to migrate the website without losing SEO on Drupal, we can help you.

  • Drupal is like an unlimited territory — you can plant only one tree or a large forest. You never need to worry if it has enough power or scalability.

Benefit #2 - Use Drupal for nonprofits because it is the safest CMS

Donations are almost the only source of income for nonprofits and NGOs. Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to the convenience of making these donations. Drupal allows you to customize various safe donation options. If you are not yet sure whether Drupal is safe, then we have an answer. Drupal itself is considered one of the most secure CMS in the world. It complies with the OWASP standard. It also uses the Twig language, which creates another layer of protection against hacker attacks. This applies not only to safe transactions but also to the security of personal pages and the protection of private information.

Your donors will be sure that all transactions are safe, and they have nothing to worry about. You have more than 500 security modules to choose from. There is no doubt that Drupal Development for nonprofits is the best fit.

  • Drupal is like a castle that has a thousand locks, high walls, and a large army. It fully guarantees that your site will be protected at all levels.

Benefit #3 - Use Drupal for nonprofits because it provides the best content management experience

Content on a nonprofit organization's website plays more of a role than you might think. It is with the help of content that you convey your mission, show what you do, that you can be trusted, encourage donations and get more supporters of your views.

Adding and editing content on the site should be simple and enjoyable but also fast, because your main activity is volunteering, not blogging.

If you choose Drupal for a nonprofit site, then you will get a great content publishing experience and customizable workflow. Even non-technical people who have not previously done content management will be able to work with the content. Drupal is ready to create accessible content for all users. And on your site, you can translate not only the content but also the admin panel itself, which is very convenient if your team employs people who speak different languages.

Benefit #4 - Use Drupal for nonprofits because it allows easy integration with third-party APIs

The success and strength of your NGOs and nonprofits organization is entirely rooted in the community of people who support your idea. Drupal integration with other systems contributes to this.

In general, it is worth noting that Drupal stands out among other CMS because it was developed as an API-first platform. In simple words, this means that it is the Best CMS for a Nonprofit Website as it allows you to exchange data and content from server to server.

Drupal can integrate with applications, payment gateways, automation tools, CRM, Social networks, and more. This allows you to make your nonprofit's site more powerful and attract new donors from other resources.

  • Drupal is like Legos, you can build and attach anything. The sky's the limit.

Benefit #5 - Use Drupal for nonprofits because it has strong community support

Choosing Drupal for your nonprofit site means you get a new family with a similar set of values. The Drupal community is on all continents of the earth, and our web developers wouldn’t be surprised if Drupal is found on other planets in the solar system too.

For your NGOs or nonprofits site, community support means you can get answers and help at any time. Their mission is to make the world a better place together with Drupal. This means that your site will constantly develop and become even better due to constant updates in the open-source code, which developers from all over the world contribute to.

In addition, hundreds or even thousands of tutorials and recommendations for customization have been created by the members of the Drupal community. They are available in the public domain.

  • Drupal is like Google — it has the answers to all your questions.

Benefit #6 - Use Drupal for nonprofits because it has useful nonprofit distributions

Distributions are ready-made, "pre-configured" versions of a Drupal site. This simplifies site customization and reduces the time spent on selecting and installing contributed modules.

For example, for your nonprofit site, Drupal offers ready-made distributions:

  1. Donor Rally is a handy fundraising tool.

  2. CityGroups is a searchable tool that helps to find community organizations by location and topic.

  3. CiviCRM Starter Kit is a multifunctional CRM for nonprofit and other civic-sector organizations.

  4. Open Outreach helps make the site user-friendly for nonprofits.

  5. Springboard is a platform for fundraising and marketing built on Salesforce.

  6. Townsquare has a set of tools for tracking and managing volunteer hours.

  7. Volunteer Rally allows volunteers to manage and publish a calendar of available volunteer shifts.

  8. Watershed Now is a general distribution to ensure the efficient operation of conservation organizations.

  9. OpenAid is a platform developed to support small NGOs and projects with creating websites quickly.

The Benefits of Drupal for NGOs and nonprofits

Top 13 Famous NGOs and nonprofits websites built on Drupal

  1. Habitat for Humanity International

  2. Allard Prize for International Integrity

  3. Human Rights Watch

  4. World Vision International

  5. Rotary International

  6. American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life

  7. Asia Society

  8. Cancer Connections

  9. Children of Africa Foundation

  10. End Water Poverty

  11. Greenpeace UK

  12. Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design

  13. New Choices

Famous NGOs and nonprofits websites built on Drupal

They already trusted Drupal and chose Drupal for the nonprofit site. What are you waiting for? You can create an equally powerful and large nonprofits site on Drupal with our Drupal developers!

3 votes, Rating: 4

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