

Build a microsite: A Definitive How-to Guide

How to build a microsite?

Why build a microsite if you already have one? Scientists have proven that user attention has decreased and is less than in goldfish (a goldfish has 9 seconds.) That is, all business owners have less than 9 seconds to attract and hold the audience's attention.

Are you planning to add a new service or product? Inform them via the microsite. Are you launching discounts? Tell them about it through the microsite. Have you decided to rebrand your business?  Let them know via the microsite.

In the right hands, a microsite turns into a powerful marketing tool. Below the web development agency will show you the benefits of creating a microsite, how to do it, and how much it costs to build.

What is a microsite?

A microsite is a separate page or several pages that exist separately from the main site of the company and have a unique URL or domain. Often the design of a microsite differs from the main site. The microsite also has a simple, "clean" structure and does not contain web pages like "About Us," "The Team," "Our services" and so on.

What is a microsite used for?

Microsites created with a specific marketing purpose. Basically, companies build a microsite in order to focus on something specific without unnecessary information. Working with a microsite is much easier and more convenient. As a result, users get a better user experience.

Build a microsite if you want:

  • reach your target audience as much as possible
  • promote a brief marketing campaigns
  • launch a new product or service
  • talk about your brand

What’s the difference between a microsite vs website?

So what is the difference between microsite and website? Why build a microsite if you already have a large site?

In one sentence, a microsite allows you to create something that is not possible with a website.

Your main site is undoubtedly the base, the foundation, like  a tree.

The microsite serves a special purpose. It is focused on promoting a single component or highlighting a unique product. It’s like the branches that extend from the main trunk.

  1. A microsite is created to promote a specific product, service, event, campaign
  2. A microsite has its own URL, which not the same as the main site
  3. A microsite is independent of the corporate website

Build a microsite: pros and cons

We hope that you have already understood how useful a microsite can be and when you might want to build one. Below we will list all the advantages and disadvantages of creating a microsite, so you can see if you should launch a microsite.

Advantages of microsites

1. It’s fast to build a microsite

Launching a finished microsite takes much less time than building a finished website. This will be especially handy if you need to quickly launch a new ad campaign.

2. It helps focus people's attention on what you want

Microsites are created to nudge people towards what you want. Since there are no extra buttons and menus on the forum microsite, it perfectly fulfills the role assigned to it.

3. It will help build business awareness

Microsite is another way to reach a more interested audience and gain a strong position in the market. The internet is a battlefield, and a microsite is one way to win.

4. It's a powerful way to generate quality leads

The microsite is designed to be a smooth bridge from ignorance to curiosity and making the desired action.

5. It has an affordable creation price

Сost to build a microsite can range from expensive to cheap. This means both large and small companies can afford to build a microsite.

6. It can improve SEO performance

Since a microsite is created to promote a single service or product, it can help you increase SEO. Do not forget to write the correct keywords to boost your chance to raise your SEO.

7. It allows you to see accurate analytics

Microsite makes it possible to get accurate analytics focused on one particular product or service. As a result, you can improve your pain points more easily based on it.

Disadvantages of microsites

1. It can confuse visitors

It might be most confusing for those who are already familiar with your main site. When they go to the microsite, they might think they made a mistake and went to the wrong place.

2. It needs development

In order for you to build a strong microsite, you need to work hard on creating and filling it. This is basically a mini-version of your main site, and it also requires quality content and development.

Build a microsite: pros and cons

Simple Steps to build a microsite

1. Be clear about why and for whom you are building a microsite

Determine the reason why you want to develop a microsite. Create a buyer persona so it will be easier for you to develop the desired microsite.

2. Create and buy a memorable domain name

The domain name is what you will be recognized by. Think it over carefully so that it reflects the essence that you want to convey to people.

3. Create engaging content

Without quality content, no microsite can be successful. Remember "Content is King." At the very least, consider the pain point of your audience and create the right tone of voice.

4. Develop an SEO strategy to promote your microsite

Your microsite will contain content. Do not forget to promote it so that this valuable content does not get lost on the Internet. SEO optimize your microsite if you want to rank high in search.

5. Сonsider the design

The next mandatory step is choosing a microsite design. Think about navigation and the look of the site To create the best possible website, check out the competitors` website. Below we will give examples of great microsites.

6. Launch your microsite

The crucial step is to launch a microsite. In order to inform the whole world about it, make sure to promote it in social networks and search engines

What is a microsite example?

Both large and small brands love to use the microsite for marketing purposes. As promised, here are the top 6 microsite examples from around the world to inspire you.

The Bright Future of Car Sharing

The Bright Future of Car Sharing

A Human Project

A Human Project

BoltHouse Farms

BoltHouse Farms



Blendtec company

Blendtec company



Key Components of a Successful Microsite

It’s time to highlight the 3 key components of a quality microsite:

  • call-to-action buttons

Any site, especially a microsite, requires clear and strong call-to-action buttons. Take care with their design and wording.

  • clearly defined target audience

Understanding what audience a microsite is for makes it easier to build and design. Remember your audience's age, preferences, and goals to reach the target audience and create a pleasant user experience on the site.

  • thoughtful design

If you want your microsite to be identified immediately, then you can save the branding of the parent company. But if you want to grab the attention of a specific part of your customer, then create a different, unique, and interesting design.

How much does it cost to build a microsite?

The cost of creating a microsite varies from hosting cost, domain name, and design. Do you have any ready-made ideas? Then write to our web design agency and we will be able to quote the price of creating your dream minisite.

The only thing we can say is that building and launching a microsite takes much less time than a full-fledged site.

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