

How to Hire the Best E-commerce Developers

How to Hire the Best E-commerce Developers

There is one certain way to improve your E-commerce website. Hire professional ecommerce development agency!

Establishing a successful E-commerce platform is not as easy as it seems. Any website needs thorough care, not only through the process of development, but even after launch. Constant updates, positive user experience (UX), bug fixing and support — that’s where professional E-commerce developers come in.

As the number of online platforms grows, so does the number of E-commerce development companies. Choosing the right development team is difficult considering the number of options. The team at InternetDevels simplifies this decision with 10 tips on how to hire the best E-commerce developers.

Tips to Hire the Best E-commerce Developers

1. Identify Your E-commerce Project’s Requirements.

Before hiring a web development team, you should clearly determine your project’s requirements. Don’t know how to identify project key issues? Follow these easy steps:

  • decide on your goal
  • choose key features that are must haves for your website
  • get rid of unnecessary options
  • fix your budget

2. Before Hiring the E-commerce Developers, Ask About Their Experience.

Launching an E-commerce platform is much more complicated than developing a simple website. You should ask a prospective company about previous experience with E-commerce development.

Find out if their developers have experience in providing features that are specific for E-commerce. For example, are they familiar with the process of integrating a payment service with a website? Can they implement E-commerce product videos into your platform?

Are there SEO professionals on hand who can boost your site and keep it at the top of search results?

This simple know-how defines the best E-commerce developers.

3. Check Portfolios and References.

Check out the company’s previous works before hiring the E-commerce developers. A portfolio review can let you see whether your expectations fits your developer’s design patterns. Are you satisfied with user experience (UX) on that platforms? UX really matters for your business and your clients’ satisfaction. There are many things involved in the project other than platform development. Here are some examples of the portfolios of InternetDevels company.

Contacting the company’s clients will help you set expectations regarding your E-commerce website. References to provide crucial insight as to whether or not the web developers are professionals and what approach they take toward project development in particular.

4. Choose the Content Management System (CMS) for your E-commerce website.

Which CMS do you intend to use for your eCommerce site? WordPress? Drupal? Choosing the right CMS is an important component for establishing a successful website. A professional web developer can advise you on the appropriate CMS to meet all the requirements of your E-commerce business.

5. Find out What Approach Developers Follow.

Being aware of the work strategy is a key element of a successful collaboration. This helps the customer set realistic goals and get clear timelines and workflows.

How does the development company manage the project? Is it Agile or Waterfall methodology? Which approach is the most suitable for your project? Discuss this question with the project manager before hiring E-commerce developers. For example, teams at the InternetDevels company use different methodologies on the basis of the customer’s preferences and requirements.

6. Discuss the Pricing Model with a Web Development Company.

When you’re hiring an E-commerce development team, it makes sense to know all the details of contract pricing. There are many models of billing. InternetDevels company works with two of them:

Choosing the appropriate pricing contract will ultimately depend on your project’s size and complexity. There are plenty of nuances to consider while determining the appropriate model. Pricing plans should also be discussed with the project manager.

7. Agree on Communication Channels.

Flexible communication is essential for a successful web development. Determine how you will be able to keep in touch with the developers. Besides, it is obligatory to have at least one face-to-face meeting before hiring the E-commerce developers.

8. In-House and Outsource Projects.

There is a tendency among website development companies to take up a project and outsource some of the work (or the entire project) to another company. You should discuss outsourcing to get a clear vision on who will be working on your project.

No doubt, it is better when your platform is developed in-house. Establishment of an E-commerce website requires a high level of collaboration. The solution will be more effective if designers and developers work on the project simultaneously.

For example, our dedicated team at InternetDevels consists of professionals in the spheres of web design and development. If any problem occurs, it can be quickly and easily resolved. Discover more about hiring a professional web development services team for your project.

9. Ensure a Warranty on Their Work.

What if you get a website that doesn’t function as it should? Does the development company provide any warranty on their work? Ask the project manager, if you will be charged for any code issues after the platform is launched. If the development company agrees to fix any issues for a certain time period, it shows their professionalism and loyalty.

10. Ask for Website Support and Maintenance Services.

Now your E-commerce platform is up and running. But that’s not the end. Every website needs further support and maintenance. New updates appear constantly and in order to avoid small and big bugs you need to keep your site up-to-date. Therefore, it’s important to ask the developers about their maintenance services. Ensure that you are provided with support to solve these issues in the shortest time possible.

Here are some pointers on why it is important to have the same web development team for website support and maintenance:

  • it might be difficult for new developers to understand the project’s layout for further support and maintenance
  • there is always a risk that you hire unreliable support company
  • hiring new web development company for support and maintenance costs more money

Time to choose E-commerce Development Company

We hope that you found our tips for hiring the best E-commerce developers useful.

InternetDevels is a full stack web development team that deals with all aspects of E-commerce, such as design, development, QA, website support and maintenance. What is more, we provide web services all over the world. Contact us to get any help considering your E-commerce website today.

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