

How to Use Structured Data for B2B

How to Use Structured Data for B2B

B2B websites are often not too worried about using structured data. But structured data for B2B is as important as for any other business. Structured data for B2B is a powerful tool. It works like a specialized language that search engines understand. By adding this to your B2B site, you make it easier for search engines to understand your content. This means that there is a high probability that they will scan your information faster and better, and show you in search queries.

Don't ignore the use of structured data for B2B sites. Our web development company brings you an informative blog on what structured data is, its role, what makes it special, and how to use structured data for B2B correctly and effectively.

What is Google Structured Data?

It's better to show than tell, so this is what structured data looks like:

What is Google Structured Data

Now that you have seen how it looks, we can tell a little more about what structured data is. Structured data is an additional source of information, like metadata for search engines.

By prescribing them, you give an understanding of what your content is about, whether it has images, videos, perhaps a recipe, etc. Search engines read the code and use it to display search results in a specific and richer way. To do this, you need to place this piece of code on your site.

N.B. You can't add structured data without schema markup. Schema markup is a kind of form in which all data is submitted.

The more structured data for B2B you give Google, the more useful information it will convey to users. This means your site will receive more visits, clicks, and higher traffic.

In addition, your content can get into various additional search engine blocks.

Most common SERP features

  • Advanced search results

After you prescribe the main info, the search engines may show it as rich search results. This makes it more tempting for potential B2B customers to visit your site.

  • Review snippets

Having reviews of your B2B business will help you get a higher average CTR. But don't forget that Google tracks all your reviews to avoid speculation.

  • Carousel

Add pictures and info about it in the structured data for the B2B site to get into the carousel. This will help your company to be at the very top of search queries.

  • Videos

Multimedia can be a great help when it comes to SERPs. If you have a useful video on your page, then you should use it to get to the top of search terms.

  • Display on maps

Another option to get into the field of view of B2B customers is to add your location on the maps. Then when people google “B2B companies of (some specific region),” it is likely that they will find your website and address. All this increases the chances of customers getting to your site.

How Can Structured Data Boost B2B SEO?

Yes, structure data boosts SEO for your B2B website. The main problem with B2B sites is that they don't consider the importance of structured data and SEO and put it on the back burner. Then they do not understand why there are so few clients.

All major search engines support those B2B sites that use structured data. Therefore, such sites receive benefits in the form of better search results. Structured data helps you to stay at the top, but it also requires some other SEO tips.

Structured data boosts B2B SEO and helps as-yet-unknown companies. It helps your B2B site rank with target keywords, increases organic search, grows click-through rates, and drives more high-qualified clients. For example, search engines can take a video on your site, testimonials about you, an image, or information and display them directly on the search results. Be prepared for this.

5 Common Rich Snippet formats for your B2B company

There are 500+ types of schema. You don't need to use all of them. Start gradually adding the basic structured data for the B2B site.

1. Products and offers

This schema shows what services you provide, what goods you sell, and their cost, all of which will be shown directly in the search results.

Products and offers Structured Data

2. Videos

If you add a video to the site, then such a markup will be useful for you. It will show search engines that there is a video on your site, and it may be shown in a video carousel.

Videos Structured Data

3. Businesses and organizations

Businesses and organizations schema markup allows you to display your B2B company's address information, contact, client feedback, and links on other sources.

Businesses and organizations Structured Data

4. Events

Use event schema markup to tell about upcoming conferences or other events that can be of interest to users. Additional details about the time and place of the event will only improve the situation.

Events Structured Data

5. Blogs

This is one of the most basic schemas for any business, especially for B2B. Google will select relevant content from your blogs and show it to users when they search.

Blogs Structured Data

How to Use Google Structured Data?

The main rule is not to throw yourself headlong into it — add it a bit at a time. Start adding structured data to the main pages of your B2B site. Pick a few pages with valuable information that can lead you to a client and add schema markup to it.

Your main assistant is the official Google's Structured Data Markup Helper tool. Google will provide your data in JSON-LOD or some other format. After that, you will need to add structured data to the site.

Useful sources for working with Structured Data:

Google develops this tool to help you test your markup and see if they work correctly.

This is a quick reference on how to work with structured data and Bing.

This is the official website where you can find absolutely everything about markup.

This tool helps you to check your public page to see what advanced results structured data can be generated.

This is a tool to help you create the code for common cases correctly.

structured data working sources

But there is one caveat — you need to be careful and not make mistakes, as this could worsen your situation and rankings. Google will be confused and have no idea what the page is about. There are special SEO experts who do this every day and can make your life easier.

How to test a schema markup?

  • To test your schema markup, you should use the Structured Data Testing Tool. It reveals what your pages look like with the schema markups already added.
  • Next, insert the code and click the preview button.
  • This way you can study every markup element.
  • It is convenient to edit the HTML in the tool.
  • Another additional option to test or add structured data for a B2B site is to hire an SEO expert.

Ready to Start Using Structured Data for B2B Website?

Structured data for B2B is essential and valuable. It surprises us that so few companies use this SEO technique to its full potential.

After all, this is one of the elements that help your B2B company stay ahead of the competition in organic search.

Do you use schema markup for your B2B company's website? Not yet? Contact our outsource web development company to learn more about it!

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