

An FAQ section on your website with the FAQ Field Drupal module

An FAQ section on your website with the FAQ Field Drupal module

If users have questions, that's great — it means they are interested. Providing clear and informative answers can bring you enormous benefits. In this post, our Drupal web agency will discuss detailed reasons why it’s worth including an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) in your content marketing strategy.

But there's more than that — this post will be particularly interesting for those who have a Drupal website, as well as those who are just choosing a CMS. We will show how an FAQ section can be created with a very nice Drupal module — the FAQ Field. Our explanation will be accompanied by a video.

The advantages of an FAQ page or section (+ examples)

An FAQ in any form depending on your website’s needs (a glossary of terms, frequently asked questions with answers, a set of instructions, etc.) could do the following for you:

  • An FAQ section or an FAQ page saves your team’s time in answering the users’ routine questions about your products, services, terms of use, website’s work, etc.

Example of FAQ on a website

  • The questions and answers increase the website’s user-friendliness by helping users quickly reach their goals.
  • Content like this adds authority to your brand by showing that you care for your visitors, willingly share useful information, and possess enough expertise.
  • The question-and-answer sections give a good logical structure to your pages and can be presented using a variety of designs (accordion menu, lists of anchor links, etc.)
  • Listing the common questions just the way users ask them on Google can significantly increase your search traffic.

Example of FAQ on a website

  • This is also the perfect way to get into Google’s featured snippets above all search results. It is the key step in optimizing your website for voice search.
  • Frequently asked questions with answers can help you encourage the buying decisions and resolve some of the common customers’ doubts about your product by sharing your vision and explanations.

Example of FAQ on a website

The FAQ Field Drupal module to create an FAQ section

One of the simplest ways to create a FAQ section on a Drupal website is to use the FAQ field module. Let’s review its features.

Installing the FAQ field module in Drupal 8

A FAQ field for your content

When installed and enabled, the module allows you to add an FAQ field to any content type (article, blog post, product, story, etc.). Your content pieces will get a frequently asked questions section below them.

FAQ field for content in Drupal 8

The FAQ field module can be compared to another Drupal module in this realm — the FAQ module. The latter creates a content type for FAQ, while the former simply creates a field.

Having just a field gives you the additional flexibility to add frequently asked questions to your existing content types or specific ones, like for e-commerce products.

A variety of FAQ designs

The FAQ field module allows you to choose between these design options on the Manage display tab of a content type:

  • HTML definition list
  • jQuery Accordion
  • HTML anchor list
  • simple text (themeable)

Configuring the display of FAQ in Drupal 8

The default for your FAQ section is the jQuery accordion, with the first question opened:

FAQ section in Drupal 8 as jQuery accordion

You can have all questions closed, so they require an action (usually a click) to open. To do this, use the jQuery accordion settings cogwheel in Manage display, set the first default question to “None” and check “fully collapsible.”

Configuring jQuery accordion in Drupal 8 to show all FAQ closed

Now see the “HTML anchor list” option (that can be set as a bullet list or numeric list):

configuring the display of FAQ in Drupal 8 as an anchor list

Other useful features of the module include the FAQ height style adjustment and animation settings. To help your users find questions, it can be used together with modules like the Search API.

We also invite you also to enjoy this video about using the FAQ field Drupal module created by our team.

Let professionals create an FAQ section on your website!

We have demonstrated a simple but nice way to create a FAQ section on your website. Ask our Drupal development team to build the frequently asked questions section or page that will look exactly the way you want.

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