

AWS CodePipeline: overview, benefits, and assistance in using

AWS CodePipeline: overview, benefits, and assistance in using

There are many helpful practices in software development, but CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) deserves special attention. Using CI/CD where possible is one of the key DevOps principles. It greatly helps teams in software releases by automating the build, test, and deploy processes. One of the CI/CD services is AWS CodePipeline. Today, we will make a little overview of AWS CodePipeline work and benefits, as well as discuss how our website development services company can help you in making the best of it.

AWS CodePipeline as an efficient CI/CD solution

The AWS CodePipeline service by Amazon is meant to automate the software release pipelines. Whenever there are updates, new features, or other changes to your project, the building, testing, and deploying processes are run automatically. They follow the workflows that you define. This adds great speed, reliability, and safety to the release processes. Let’s enlarge on AWS CodePipeline benefits.

The benefits of AWS CodePipeline

  • It’s possible to deploy changes to the production environment whenever you wish without any hassle. You also have a chance to receive your customer’s feedback and quickly respond with new changes. This perfectly fits into modern principles of Agile development.
  • You say goodbye to tons of routine manual work prone to human error.
  • All steps of your product release (builds, tests, deployment) are highly customizable to meet your needs and preferences. This can be done via Amazon GUI, console, APIs, AWS SDKs, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CLI, and more.
  • AWS can integrate with other services or technologies. In addition to AWS “family” products like AWS CodeCommit, Amazon ECR, Amazon S3, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and more, this also includes GitHub, Jenkins, TeamCity, Ghost Inspector, Runscope, BlazeMeter, XebiaLabs, or even your own custom systems.
  • Thanks to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can set granular user permissions to access and modify your resources, which is important for security.
  • As always with CI/CD, bugs are detected on early stages, so they are cheaper to fix and have no chance to harm your reputation or profits later in production. (Read more about small and big bugs and how software testing offers savings for your business).

Assistance with AWS CodePipeline

Creating or editing AWS pipelines for you

To enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits, you will need to set up a full software release workflow. In other words, you will need to create and configure your pipeline. According to it, AWS CodePipeline will perform the defined steps in the defined ways.

aws codepipeline

Our DevOps experts are ready to help you create, configure, or edit and AWS pipeline in accordance with all your needs and applying all the necessary integrations.

Need to automatically deploy your serverless application updates from GitHub? Deploy code to virtual machines in the cloud? Create a pipeline that uses resources from another account? Deploy Docker containers? Want to receive notifications about actions in your pipelines? Anything is possible — sky’s the limit!

Fixing AWS CodePipeline issues

Our team can also help you in case you come across some issues with AWS CodePipeline. These can issues with AWS CodePipeline build process or any others. Just tell us about the errors that you are getting in detail, preferably a screencast. Our DevOps experts will assist you in any way convenient for you — from an online consultation to direct access.

Get the best from AWS CodePipeline

New technologies are meant to do miracles with your software release cycles. They are powerful and reliable, and are never afraid of repeated actions. However, good human assistance is the final piece in their success puzzle. So entrust your AWS CodePipeline to our DevOps services provider and enjoy the super efficient software releases!

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