

Get started in Google Analytics: 5 reports you cannot ignore

Get started in Google Analytics

Okay, you have set up Google Analytics on your website and know some key metrics: how to check the number of users who visited your platform and how much time they spend on it. But what else should you look for to use an analytics tool effectively?

Today, the InternetDevels Drupal company will sort things out. Get the best out of this service with this easy guide on how to get started in Google Analytics.

Why Google Analytics?

With the help of Google Analytics tools, you can learn more about your customers and get some valuable insights into the content improvements. As a result, you’ll definitely drive more traffic, as well as increase conversions.

Google Analytics benefits businesses

5 essential Google Analytics reports

Once you have logged into Google Analytics dashboard, use this list of essential metrics you have to track in order to understand consumer behavior and improve user experience.

  • Keywords analysis report

A keywords analysis report displays the most popular incoming keywords to your website, as well as unique visitors, conversions, and page load time. This data helps figure out which keywords work best for you, and which ones require optimization.

  • Referrals report

Referrals report shows you platforms that referred users to your website by clicking a link. Here you can also see the volume of traffic, engagement, and conversion performance which will help you to measure how well those sites are contributing to your business.

  • Bounce rate and exit rate report

If a user lands on one of your web pages and leaves without going further, it is a bounce.

Exit rate is the percentage of visitors who go through more than one page on your website before leaving.

Bounce rate and exit rate report helps find pages with low engagement and determine UX problems.

  • Navigation summary

Navigation summary can tell you a lot about how visitors are behaving on your website. This report shows how visitors get to a specific web page and where they click after accessing this page.

  • Conversions report

Conversion is an action the user takes on your site. This type of report is a crucial metric, as it reveals your campaign’s performance and helps measure conversions. This also gives you insight into which pages you should promote and share.

Google Analytics red flags

There are three crucial things you have to pay attention to while analyzing Google Analytics reports:

  1. High bounce rate
  2. The low number of visitors
  3. Low time on site

The reasons for these issues might be different. In most of the cases, the problems occur due to poor performance and keywords with the wrong focus. If you are not satisfied with your Google Analytics reports, the changes have to be implemented immediately.

First of all, contact a web development agency for a usability audit. A team of professionals will determine what prevents your platform from high traffic and conversions, as well as eliminate all the errors.

Also, check these guides on website optimization:

Google Analytics is easy!

As you can see, Google Analytics offers numerous options, and this list can surely be expanded. However, we provided you with the essentials that cannot be ignored.

Use this checklist, so you don’t forget to check essential Google Analytics reports and always track the improvements you have made. The InternetDevels website development services company is always here if you need any assistance regarding analytics tools. We can also help you integrate Drupal and Google BigQuery for enhanced data analysis capabilities.

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