

Useful links for getting started and working with Docker

Useful links for getting started and working with Docker

If you are interested in Docker, you have come to the right place. This blog post is meant to help you understand and successfully work with the famous software containerization platform.

We have asked our web developers who are also the author of cache segments and cache in Drupal 7, to share some useful links about Docker. Here we go!

Some useful links about using Docker

Getting started with Docker (a base for a quick start is described here). Docker installation and configuration. Running your first container. Log tracking. Building a server with Dockerfile.

Getting Started with Docker for Mac. A step-by-step guide to quickly install and start running Docker on Mac.

Docker and working with it. The basics of Docker, containers, hypervisors, CoreOS. The key things that are required for work and facilitate Docker use.

Docker toolbox. An installer to quickly and easily install and configure Docker environment on your PC (Windows, Mac).

Learning Docker. See how to use Docker containers, consistently deploy applications on any infrastructure, step-by-step instructions, videos, articles.

How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu upgrade to 16.04 version being very popular, I think it will be interesting to read about the ins and outs of installing and using Docker on this OS. Generally, the article consists of a step-by-step guide:

  1. Step 1: Installing Docker
  2. Step 2: Executing the Docker Command Without Sudo (Optional)
  3. Step 3: Using the Docker Command
  4. Step 4: Working with Docker Images
  5. Step 5: Running a Docker Container
  6. Step 6: Committing Changes in a Container to a Docker Image
  7. Step 7: Listing Docker Containers
  8. Step 8: Pushing Docker Images to a Docker Repository

It’s a good article which covers a lot of material.

Best practices of using Docker

Of course, it will be useful to read about the best practices of using Docker. So this bunch of links is dedicated to these practices:

The blog of the author Jpetazzo. A blog post about Docker.

Container42. Another interesting blog post about Docker.

Awesome Linux Containers. Lots of information and resources on containers.

Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus with Docker. Installing NGINX and NGINX Plus on Docker, using NGINX Docker Image, working with NGINX in a container, managing logging.

Datadoghq. A bunch of interesting articles about Docker.

  • The Docker monitoring problem
  • Docker-ize Datadog with agent containers
  • Monitor Docker performance with Datadog
  • Service Discovery: monitoring Docker containers that move

Docker ecosystem. A handy schematic demonstration of working with Docker. It will be interesting for general understanding of how the system works.

A cheat note on working with Docker (examples).

And, of course, a big official resource where you can see documentation and much more.

Videos about Docker

A video channel on youtube

The official video channel by the creators of Docker. It helps you always be up-to-date on the tool and never miss new developments, as well as ways and techniques of using the tool.

Docker for developers

  • Automatic packaging and deployment of applications
  • Creating light, private PaaS environments
  • Automatic testing and continuous integration/deployment
  • Deployment and scaling of web applications, databases and backend services.

Docker Tutorial

A series of videos telling in details what Docker is, where and how it can be applied. Different approaches and methods of use, best practices and many other interesting details are covered in these videos.

Container conference

This is the Container Camp channel. Here you can find videos from the international series of conferences about containers. For more information, visit or follow on Twitter @containercamp.

Containers and their importance

A discussion with representatives CoreOS, VMware and Google.

DOCKER FUNDAMENTALS. This course provides practical instructions for getting started with Docker. It includes information on how to create Dockerfiles, build, manage, and share Docker images, container settings. There is also an example of continuous integration.

Videos for self-study

A bunch of videos that describe the following:

  • The Docker platform basics, including a review of platform components, images, containers and repositories
  • How to create Dockerfiles, work with Docker images, container settings. There is also an example of continuous integration
  • Best practices in the performance and the troubleshooting of containers.


Dockerfile Project: the central repository of Dockerfile for various popular open source software services runnable on a Docker container

A collection of Dockerfiles: author: Crosbymichael

Dockerfile: an example by Komljen

Dockerfile: an example by Kstaken

Dockerfile: a repository of Dockerfiles by Jfrazelle

Development tools

Kubernetes: the system for managing Docker containers by Google

Rocker: the tool for creating Dockerfiles

Docker-gen: the tool for generating files on the basis of meta data of the Docker container

Dockerize: the utility that simplifies the running of container applications

Dockerfile_lint: the tool for code quality control for Dockerfiles

Dockerode: the remote API Docker on node.js

Crane: the utility that facilitates the management of images and containers

Lorry: the utility for creating and checking the docker-compose.yml file

Dray: the engine for managing the running of container apps

Forward2docker: the utility to auto forward a port from localhost into ports on Docker containers

Vagrant: the provider for Docker

Ansible: the tool to manage your Docker containers

FuGu: the simple wrapper for Docker

OctoHost: the simple mini PaaS server designed to work with Docker

Subuser: the tool that enables simple and safe running of graphical desktop applications using Docker.

Useful tips about Docker

Csabapalfi: twenty-four different tips about Docker

Jasonwilder: a simple way to dockerize applications

RightScale: ten things to do before deploying Docker

Brunorocha: dealing with linked containers dependency in Docker Compose tips for working with Docker

Raychaser: how to collect Docker logs

Ruby: a Dockerfile generator.

Newsletters about Docker

Docker Team: an official Docker newsletter

CenturyLink Labs: news and tips about Docker and more

Shippable: cloud news.

Books about Docker

«Docker Book» (2016/08) by James Turnbul

  • Introduction to Docker
  • Installing Docker
  • Getting started with Docker
  • Working with Docker images and storage
  • Testing with Docker
  • Building services in Docker
  • Orchestration with Docker Compose, Docker Swarm and Consul
  • Using the Docker API
  • Extending Docker

«Using Docker» (2015/12) by Adrian Mouat

  • The what and why of containers
  • Installation
  • First steps
  • Docker fundamentals
  • Using Docker in development
  • Creating your first web application with Docker
  • Image distribution
  • Continuous integration (CI) and testing with Docker
  • Deploying containers
  • Logging and monitoring
  • Networking in Docker
  • Orchestration, clustering, and management
  • Safety and limitations in containers

«Docker Cookbook» (2015/11) by Sebastien Goasguen

  • Getting started with Docker
  • Image creation and sharing
  • Docker networking
  • Docker configuration and development
  • Kubernetes
  • Optimized operating system distributions for Docker
  • The Docker ecosystem: tools
  • Docker in the cloud
  • Monitoring containers

«Docker Cookbook» (2015/06) by Neependra Khare

  • Installing and configuring Docker
  • Working with Docker images and containers
  • Network and data management for containers
  • Docker use-cases
  • Docker APIs and language bindings
  • Docker performance
  • Docker orchestration and hosting platform
  • Docker security
  • Getting help and tips & tricks

«Docker in Action» (2016/03) by Jeff Nickoloff

  • An introduction to Docker
  • Running software in containers
  • Software installation simplified
  • Network exposure
  • Containers in images
  • Build automation and advanced image consideration
  • Multi-container and multi-host environments

«Docker in Practice» (2016/04) by Ian Miell and Aidan Hobson Sayers

  • Docker fundamentals
  • Docker and software development
  • Docker images
  • Docker containers
  • Security

People and Docker

Solomon Hykes: the founder of Docker

Jerome Petazzoni: the creator of Docker

Michael Crosby: the creator of Docker

James Turnbull: the author of “Docker Book”

Jeff Lindsay: software architect

Jessie Frazelle: works with Docker.

Get started with Docker and have awesome experience!

6 votes, Rating: 4.3

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