

Our participation in the "Career Fair" (PHOTOS)

Our participation in the

Career Fairs provide for an excellent opportunity for students to set up their career goals and, also, for companies to demonstrate their employment potential. This time, organizers offered the exhibitors well-equipped stands and spaces at the Fair, to present their career perspectives, where you could find customized spaces to cater to all business specifics. The hallmark of the Fair was the career guide containing information about major exhibitors, which was being distributed among the students who visited the Fair. The event provided facilities for the eye-contact communication between employers and job seekers, who were looking for a deeper insight into the job opportunities presented at the Fair. We were happy to have taken an active part in this event.

The fact that many students are interested in working in the IT field and are keen on web development, was the thing we were most fascinated at. More than 50 visitors expressed their interest in dealings with our Drupal development agency. During the Fair days we were able to provide a general item of information about our company, discuss the opportunity for internships, and had a chance to promote current job openings. The resumes collected and short preliminary interviews with students were aplenty, too. In addition, we had a successful communication with the press and local Career Center volunteers, shared our employer experiences as well as answered all sorts of questions about our company. We do appreciate our time spent on the event and, as an employer, are looking forward to further expansion into the regional job market using this type of medium, too.

14 votes, Rating: 3.6

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