

Best Drupal Friendly Email Sending Services to Optimize your Email Marketing Campaigns

Optimize your Email Marketing Campaigns

Today, marketing campaigns can be easily extended by using an email sending services. These programs are designed to help you reach the right person at the right time with the right message. In this blog post, we will expand on some effective marketing solutions for Drupal based websites. If you are one of the Drupal developers ‘gang’, maintaining some of the Drupal development services, and you are still not using those email sending services, it’s high time you start!

Email Marketing Services for Drupal websites

  • MailСhimp

This responsive program for use with mobile devices allows you to work with more than 400 templates! You can also code your email using HTML and CSS directly. Multiple software products and platforms integrate with MailСhimp effortlessly, as it uses an open API. The MailChimp module allows you to manage the email list that your users want to be added to, generate and send MailChimp email campaigns from your site, as well as viewing the emails that users have sent from MailChimp. It not only assists you in email delivery, it also helps keep the whole process under its control.

  • GetResponse

This user-friendly email marketing system lets you import your contacts and start working immediately. Would you like to create a mailing list professionally? With GetResponse, it’s a piece of cake! Make your marketing campaign work automatically by way of targeting. The service provides you with over 500 well-designed templates as well as a convenient mechanism for easily implementing letters without programming. GetResponse allows A/B testing of your letters, so you can know which of them is better for your target audience.

  • Wildfire Email Marketing Platform

A comprehensive email marketing solution, Wildfire allows you to send simple and fast emails to your subscribers. Furthermore, this app entirely integrates with your website. This fully Drupal based template system saves as much time as possible, so you don’t have to copy and paste the content from your website to your email platform.

Besides, being a part of your Drupal website the client module for the Wildfire platform equips you with a mail template, list management, content management, and job tracking tools. Wildfire will take care of email construction. All you have to do is to place some content on your site, and then choose stories you want to be included into your email. It’s as simple as that!

Wildfire case study video from One Net Marketing on Vimeo.

  • Campaign Monitor

One more efficient marketing tool that makes the process of creating your email marketing campaign quite easy is Campaign Monitor. Besides designing stunning emails that always bring good results and delivering email content to every customer personally, you will be able to measure the success of your campaigns and see how your audience is engaging with your emails. It also has a feature to preview an email and see what it will look like on other devices. Moreover, you can be sure that the email has been delivered and know whether your audience is happy with it or not.

As long as your Drupal based website is integrated with the Campaign Monitor, users will be able to subscribe and unsubscribe from an email lists via Campaign Monitor Module.

  • Interspire Email Marketer

It’s an easy-to-use email marketing system that allows you to use autoresponders to create customized surveys and feedback forms. Using Interspire Email Marketer, you can follow the activity of a potential client with event logging, so you can easily measure their interest in purchasing your services. Templates used in this application work in the most popular email clients like Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail and Outlook. This means customers will see your email message exactly as you’ve designed it. E-mail Marketing Framework module is an awesome extension that supports the Interspire Email Marketer mass mailing platform.

  • Addemar Email Marketing Software

This innovative, high-quality application is equipped with a bunch of templates. Addemar Email Marketing Software lets you use dynamic contact groups to make mailing lists that update themselves according to specific parameters. Addemar contains a scheduling mechanism that allows you to schedule your campaign launch in advance. Personalization codes make it easy for you to personalize campaigns automatically. Use the EMF Addemar Plugin to integrate your Drupal website with the Addemar Email Marketing software.

  • Emma's Drupal email marketing integration

Gather new subscribers from your website and deliver multiple newsletters with the help of Emma's Drupal Email Marketing Integration. You may use special, creatively designed templates to send emails to your contacts. This software gives you an opportunity to add sign-up or subscription forms to your Drupal website quickly and easily. Inform your customers of upcoming events with Emma's Drupal email marketing integration.


To sum up, there is a wide range of email sending services to choose from, and you can easily synchronize them with your website services. MailСhimp, Emma's Drupal email marketing integration, Interspire Email Marketer, ActiveCampaign Integrations, and other applications will make your mail delivery process more flexible. Boost your email marketing effectiveness with the best Drupal-friendly email sending services!

7 votes, Rating: 4.6

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