

Artificial intelligence and Drupal 8: amazing opportunities & useful modules

Artificial intelligence and Drupal 8

It’s exciting to see how once unimaginable things become popular digital practices! A vivid example is artificial intelligence. We have shared with you an article about artificial intelligence coming to your apps thanks to cognitive services. What about Drupal websites — are they ready for AI? The answer is a definite yes! Let’s see how artificial intelligence and Drupal 8 come together.

Benefits of artificial intelligence for Drupal 8 websites

Smart machine thinking is meant to create a new level of user experiences. By leveraging the huge potential of artificial intelligence on your Drupal website, you will be able to:

  • offer smarter, more engaging, and more advanced features to your users
  • better analyze your users’ behavior
  • create more personalized experiences for them
  • raise e-commerce conversions through more targeted offers
  • streamline and automate many workflows and take the load off your staff
  • raise your company’s image as customers see you using advanced technologies

and much more.

Useful Drupal modules for artificial intelligence & their capabilities

The Drupal community is highly interested in innovative trends. The AI has been a hot topic at the biggest Drupal meetups, including DrupalCon Baltimore and Drupal Europe Darmstadt. And, of course, useful Drupal modules have been created that bring artificial intelligence to websites. Let’s review a few of them.

Azure Cognitive Services API 

We have mentioned Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services at the beginning, and here is a module that connects them to Drupal websites. 

The Azure Cognitive Services API Drupal module allows web developers to enrich Drupal websites with features like speech, vision, and facial recognition, emotion detection, and much more. There is a pack of 4 submodules.

  • Azure Face API

The Azure Face API module integrates with Microsoft Face API service. It is meant to detect and recognize human faces. The tool is able to compare similar faces and group their pictures together, as well as identifies people who were previously tagged. Face API can detect age, gender, hair color, and more.

Azure Face API

The current capability of the module is detecting up to 64 human faces with a high level of precision. The detection result is specified in a file.

Azure Face API

  • Azure Emotion API

The Azure Emotion API connects the Microsoft Face API to your website. It recognizes the emotions of one or more persons on the picture (happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, neutral, and so on). The tool puts a bounding box on a person’s face and returns the result in a JSON file.

Azure Emotion API

Azure Emotion API

  • Azure Computer Vision API

The Azure Computer Vision API module analyzes the content of images and returns information about them. It uses tags and descriptions, identifies image types and color schemes, and can be your helpful assistant in content moderation. For example, you can configure it to apply restrictions on adult or abusive content.

Azure Computer Vision API

  • Azure Text Analytics API

The Azure Text Analytics API module is meant for natural language processing. Its key features are:

  • Sentiment analysis. It detects negative or positive sentiments and gives them a score.
  • Key phrase extraction. It extracts the key points in the text. 
  • Language detection. It detects the text language. (The module supports almost 20 languages for now).

Azure Text Analytics API

Azure Text Analytics API

Automatic Alternative Text

Adding ALT text to images is a rule of thumb in today’s web. It is vital for web accessibility and SEO. The Automatic Alternative Text module provides ALT text automatically by using Microsoft Cognitive Services — namely, Computer Vision API.

It detects the content of images and describes it in human-readable text while specifying the level of confidence. The tool can generate more than one ALT tag, create thumbnails, and much more. 

Automatic Alternative Text

Cloudwords for Multilingual Drupal

It’s a fact that Drupal 8 is a great choice for multilingual websites, but everything is even greater with this module. The Cloudwords for Multilingual Drupal module uses AI to help you create high-quality multilingual campaigns. 

The module lets you manage your content localization quickly and efficiently. It also has strong workflow automation and project management capabilities. 

Drupal Chatbot

The era of chatbots is already here! The Drupal Chatbot module allows you to create a basic voice or text-based chatbot. The module uses Dialogflow as natural language processing agent, but you can also extend it with Alexa. 

The Drupal Chatbot can be enabled as a block and extended with various functionalities. For example, it supports Latest Pages, Top Rated Pages, Latest Article Search, and so on. The module is actively being developed.

Drupal Chatbot

Drupal Chatbot

Chatbot API

The Chatbot API module facilitates the integration of various chatbots and personal assistants with your Drupal website. It creates a layer to serve Drupal data to these services.

For now, the module supports Alexa and Dialogflow, for which it uses submodules, and works together with the corresponding modules (Alexa and Dialogflow Webhook). However, it’s just the beginning, and more integrations are expected.

Acquia Lift Connector

The Acquia Lift Connector module integrates your website with the Acquia Lift personalization tool. It enables you to create highly personalized offers based on user’s behavior. The module offers real-time audience segmentation, behavioral targeting, A/B testing, and more.

It has a unified drag-and-drop user interface with all the customer information where you can create personalizations. Acquia Lift uses machine learning to automatically recommend content to users.

Acquia Lift Connector

Acquia Lift Connector

Embrace artificial intelligence on your Drupal 8 website

Just imagine, all this and much more could come to your website today! Our Drupal website development company is ready to help you with building AI integrations based on these and other modules. For instance, you can add an AI Chatbot to a Drupal website to enhance user engagement and support. And if there is no module yet for your idea, we will create a custom one. Enjoy artificial intelligence and Drupal 8!

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