

How to Add an Email Newsletter to Your eCommerce Website

Add an Email Newsletter to Your eCommerce Website

If you own an eСommerce site and still haven't added an email newsletter to your website, then you've lost half of your customers. Email marketing is still alive and well and continues to bring great benefits to the business that uses it. But in order to get all these advantages, you need to know how to set up an email newsletter to your eСommerce website correctly.

Why collect the email addresses of website visitors if you do not use them effectively? Below, our web developers will tell you how to add an email newsletter to your eСommerce website and its benefits.

What is an email newsletter?

Email newsletters are one more channel for communicating with your audience. Simply put, these are emails that your company sends to gently nudge your customers into action and build a loyal following.

Email newsletters may contain:

  • helpful advice and tips
  • latest new products
  • weekly digests of your content
  • and more — there are no restrictions on what can be included in the email.

Email newsletters may contain:

The main purpose of sending email newsletters is:

  • to always be in front of your audience
  • to interest them in your services and goods
  • to show them the benefits they can get from you
  • to push them to buy

For site visitors to receive these letters, they must subscribe to your email newsletters mailing list. This is exactly what you need to add an email newsletter subscription form to your eСommerce website.

Why start an email newsletter?

Despite the fact that an email newsletter, or email marketing, is not a new marketing strategy, it has not lost its effectiveness and brings excellent results to business owners without large investments, especially in eCommerce.

A short, clear list of the benefits of running an email newsletters campaign:

  1. Email newsletters pay off 4000%
  2. Email newsletters help you to quickly get a new audience
  3. Email newsletters offer a personalized approach that helps meet the customer's needs
  4. Email newsletters build trust between you and your customers
  5. Email newsletters show that you are an expert in your field through the info you share

Why start an email newsletter?

You should start an email newsletter in order to retain your site visitors. Since the Internet is very large and contains a lot of information and pages, it is easy to get lost.

Once users enter your site, they may not visit it again because they will lose your site among all the others.

An email newsletter is a beacon that will allow your visitors to easily stay in touch and collaborate with you. Without adding an email newsletter to your eСommerce website, you are losing customers.

How is an email newsletter useful for eCommerce websites?

Reasons Why Email Marketing is Important for an eCommerce

  • It is a very effective marketing strategy

You should use email marketing to engage your customers and create a strong connection with them.

At least 79 percent of the email is read, which is a fairly high figure.

  • It's cost-effective

Email marketing shows impressive results in terms of profitability. It brings the highest ROI of any form of marketing - $ 44 for every $ 1 spent.

  • You are sending emails to those who are really interested

High return rates from email are due to the fact that those who are really interested in your company are the ones subscribing to your mailing list. 72% of people say this is the best communication channel for businesses.

  • You can measure the efficiency

The results of adding an email newsletter subscription form to your eCommerce website are easy to track.

You can get data about:

  1. open rate
  2. conversion rate
  3. click-through rate
  4. bounce rate
  5. spam rate
  6. unsubscribe rate

That helps you correct your marketing strategy and get the results you want.

To run a successful and profitable eCommerce business, you need to set up an email newsletter to your website.

How do you create an email newsletter for your eСommerce website?

To create an email newsletter for your eCommerce website, you need to have three components:

  • your website
  • email marketing service
  • newsletter subscription forms

Keep reading to find out how to combine these elements successfully and easily start an email newsletter to grow your own business and brand.

How to integrate an email newsletter into your eСommerce website?

Here are the steps of integrating an email signup form onto your website.

Step 1: Choose an email marketing service

The most important thing you need to start integrating an email into your eCommerce website is choosing the right email marketing service. This should be taken seriously because it is the foundation of your success. There are many email marketing services — among the most popular are:

Almost all email marketing services perform the same function. The differences are what is easier for you to work with and the price. The best email marketing service will be one that is easy to work with and doesn't annoy you. But if you are having a hard time choosing, then you can consult with our specialists.

Step 2: Create an Email List

After you have selected the service and registered it, you should create an email database and group the list of all the contacts you have.

Depending on which email service you choose, it is configured a little differently. The signup or subscribe form on your site will be integrated.

Step 3: Collect email addresses of your site visitors

In order to expand the base of email addresses, you should add some useful and unique material to be downloaded on your site. For example, you can add infographics with useful tips or a guide on using your product. This means that in order to download this digital product, users must leave their email addresses.

Step 4: Set up a newsletter subscription form on your eCommerce website

The easiest way to get an email address is to add the newsletter sign-up forms to your website. Typically, every popular email marketing service has an option such as adding a subscripted form to an eCommerce site. If there is no such function, then you can set up a form using the plugin or module.

There are 3 options for hosting subscription forms on your eCommerce website:

1. Pop-ups

Pop-ups are forms that can be displayed anywhere on the site. You can customize the time when they appear — it could be as soon as a user visits your site, or when they have already been on it for a while, or when they intend to leave the store.

2. Sidebar

The Sidebar is where business owners most often sell their subscription form. This is a kind of classic version.

3. The middle of your page or blog post

Another option is to place the subscription form somewhere roughly in the middle of your blog site. Thus, those who are really interested in your product and services will be able to get even more of your content by subscribing to the newsletter.

Step 5: Send first emails to your subscribers

All right, now everything is ready to go and bring you income and new clients. Now it is in your hands — create compelling emails that are pleasant and easy to read!

How to integrate an email newsletter into your eСommerce website?

Implement an email newsletter into your website today

Setting up an email newsletter on your eCommerce website is not only another option for capturing more visitors and converting them into customers. It is also an opportunity to show your audience that you are truly the best, and are competent at what you do.

Add an email newsletter subscription form to your eCommerce website to tell the world about you, increase your conversion rate and improve the performance of your eCommerce website. To get help with setting up your email newsletter, just contact our web development company.

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