

10 Tips for Hiring a Top Web Developer — Presentation

10 Tips for Hiring a Top Web Developer — Presentation

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10 Tips for Hiring a Top Web Developer Linus Torvalds, a Finnish American software engineer, claimed: “Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.” And that’s true! An outstanding web developer is not the one who has learned myriads of programming languages and knows them inside out. It is the one who loves, enjoys, and is crazy about his job.

If you are an entrepreneur or want to launch your own business, one of the best ways of marketing is to set up a website. Hiring a developer is a crucial factor, since this person is supposed to create an appealing image for your company that should make a favorable impression on your customers. Before your company or business employs a web developer, consider these pieces of advice, and they will work wonders and do the trick for you!

Steps to Hiring the Best Web Developers

Look Deep Inside

Drive, determination, persistence, curiosity and purposefulness are the key qualities of a top-notch Drupal developer. If a developer is determined, he is ready to do a lot to reach his goal, which is to make your website in the way you want it to be. Curiosity and purposefulness encourage a person to learn more and, as a result, make better products.

Design a Small Project

Creation of an experimental project helps to observe a candidate in action and get some extra information about the developer’s skills. Original solutions, great team work and perfect final product are those things everyone would expect from a web developer. It is through a small project like this that you will see whether your candidate is efficient enough or his proficiency leaves a lot to be desired.

Outline Skills

Write down all skills and accomplishments the ideal candidate is supposed to have. You may outline any specific type of knowledge you want to see in the person you hire; for instance, specific programming languages and content-management systems. Then, during the interview, check up whether the candidate’s expertise meets all of your needs.

Desire to Learn

Time flies, technological advances are getting better and better so, make sure that a candidate has an awesome ability to adapt and learn new stuff. Just imagine, you want a website in a very contemporary style and nobody has the one like that, what would you do? You will hire an enthusiastic web developer willing to learn and make your dream come true, because he is open-minded and wants to learn something new and improve his skills.

Find Examples of Developer’s Work

Ask a potential candidate about his previous works. Experienced developers will eagerly show them to demonstrate their abilities and talents. Skimming a candidate’s website you may notice his style, some of the advantages or drawbacks. It’s also a good idea to discuss some technical aspects. Overall, you will be able to accurately assess their skills and competence by yourself.


Asking your candidate about hitting of his deadlines is a must! “Will you give your all to do your task in time?”, “What would you do if you didn’t meet the deadlines?” are questions for you to ask. When you have these questions answered, then you are able to make adequate decisions. If you are satisfied with the candidate’s feedback and attitude towards your requirements, go ahead and hire him.

Team Work

Does this person have access to other web developers? An ace will easily convince other programmers to join his team. Consequently, if he is a great leader and can skillfully manage a team, it means this candidate is a wonderful choice for you.

Know the Market Price

Experienced programmers are in demand, and this demand is rising. If you want a perfect website, then hire a highly qualified developer, who deserves to be well-paid. Thus, you’d better know the market price, then you won’t lose an opportunity to get great developers, offering them moderate rates. Remember: scatter with one hand; gather with two.

Set Some Standards

Determine a developer’s standards concerning a coding process in order to make sure you won’t have bugs and crashes. Try to figure out whether there are some issues in the code that can affect the work of the next developer to work with that code. Implement the necessary standards to ensure quality of the upcoming product.

Take Your Time When Hiring

And the last but not the least tip is - don’t rush! It’s better to do everything step by step. Firstly, make a phone screening, then organize a good in-person interview and ask meaningful questions. Take some time to give your choice extended consideration, and you will see that the end justifies the means.


It’s an incredibly challenging task to find a really excellent developer, however, those criteria are the starting points, which, beyond any doubt, will guide you in understanding how to identify and assess a candidate before the final decision-making. So, if you are looking for Drupal or WordPress developers for hire, keep in mind that a professional web developer should possess all qualities mentioned above, and by taking into consideration all of them, you will be able to find a proficient one.

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